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Neck Lift

As we age, the platysmal bands in our necks shorten and pull on the jawline. This causes the young angle of our neck to be compromised and can also give us a jowly appearance. Injecting some muscle relaxing injections into these muscles can lengthen the bands, improving the appearance of the neck and jawline.

How long it takes

Approximate treatment time is 20 minutes.

Return to work

Approximately 1 hour after treatment.

Recovery time

Approximately 24–72 hours after treatment.

How long it lasts

Approximately 3-4 months after treatment.

Antiwrinkle injections are useful for treating platysmal bands in the neck. We also love to use skin boosters and dermal fillers on the neck and jawline
Small injections using a very fine needle are performed to the platysmal bands in the neck and jawline.


A £50 no-refundable deposit is required and can be used toward either the face to face consultation OR the treatment on the day.

For this treatment, we must take into consideration the following:

  • Has the patient had treatment before and were they happy with the treatment?
  • Did the effect of the anti-wrinkle injections last well?
  • Which area came back first?
  • How is the patient’s metabolism?
  • Do they exercise? Are they very muscular?
  • Do they have trouble putting on or losing weight?
  • Have they ever had any complications with muscle relaxing injections before?

Dr Natasha will examine the face and neck. In particular, she will look at many features, such as:

  • Where the lines are. How is the angle of the neck? How straight is the jawline?
  • Whether there is an asymmetry,
  • Whether the necklines are etched in at rest,
  • What is the skin texture like, whether there is fine wrinkling or deeper wrinkling,
  • Whether the patient needs a neck lift or neck liposuction.

Choosing the dose of injection

Dr Natasha will assess the face and neck and decide on the best dose after taking a history and examining the patient.

If the patient has a history of poor longevity, or needing high doses or wanting maximum effect, then a higher dose may be suggested.

If a patient has a history of complications with muscle relaxing injections, or if their budget is small or if they want a more subtle result, then a smaller dose may be chosen.

Pain relief during injections

A numbing cream may be applied to the area prior to the treatment (45 minutes prior is ideal) Glad wrap may be used over the numbing cream to increase its effect. Most patients do not bother with numbing cream because it takes so long to work and because the treatment isn’t very painful anyway. Ice is always used to decrease pain and to reduce the risk of bruising.

What happens during the treatment itself?

The neck and face will be cleaned with alcohol and chlorhexidine. Ice will be applied to the area briefly before treatment Dr Natasha will inject approx 4 sites. Then pressure with gauze will be applied. The procedure itself takes less than 5 minutes.

Possible side effects

In general, treatment is very low-risk. However, headaches can occur in around 10% of new users and bruising occurs in a significant number of cases.

How long will the treatment last?

The answer to this is very individual and depends on the patient’s metabolism, the dose, the placement etc. For the majority of patients, typically at 3-4 weeks, there is a maximum effect, at 8 weeks, movement starts to return, at 12 weeks, 50% of movement should be back, at 16 weeks 80% of movement should be back.

When should I have my next treatment?

Patients should require another treatment when the movement is between 50%-80% back, so, around 3-4 months.

Post-procedure Advice

  • Do not smoke for at least 24-36 hours (smoking is not recommended post-procedure).
  • Avoid any alcohol consumption for 24 hours before treatment and 24 hours post-procedure.
  • Avoid any exercise for 24 hours post-procedure.
  • Avoid using any make-up or skincare products/spray tan/direct sunlight, sun exposure and do not use tanning beds.
  • Use a facial cleansing wipe to clean face, avoiding the treated area.
  • Avoid touching or massaging the injected area, unless absolutely necessary.
  • Use Arnica Cream (TM) after your treatment to help with any bruising or discomfort (if required).
  • Apply cool compresses to injected sites for five minutes up to four times a day if required
  • Restrict facial movements where possible for up to 1-3 weeks post-procedure.
  • Try to keep the head elevated while sleeping for the first 48 hours post-procedure to help prevent swelling.
  • Sleep in an upright position, face-up, to help reduce any swelling (3-7 nights post-procedure).
  • Avoid any dental appointments, facial appointments and chemical treatments 4 weeks post-procedure.
  • Avoid excessive heat – swimming pools, sauna, steam rooms, hot showers for at least 48 hours post-procedure.
  • Paracetamol is advised to patients for post-procedure discomfort (Ibuprofen should be avoided).

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