In this week’s blog we shed some light on ‘PDO Threads’.
As a relatively new aesthetic procedure ‘PDO Threads’ raises a lot of questions from potential patients.
In our Q and A session with Dr Natasha we give you an overview of some of the common queries surrounding this procedure, including how it works, its benefits and how you should approach aftercare.
Tell us about PDO Threads
In the world of aesthetics ‘PDO Threads’ are quite new, but in reality, they have been used safely in other medical procedures for decades now.
The procedure results in an instant lifting of the skin, which also promotes collagen production at a cellular level. This gives you improved skin texture with fewer lines and wrinkles.
How does it work?
PDO threads are inserted via injection into the appropriate area (either the skin itself, the muscle, or the subcutaneous fat). The PDO stimulates neocollagenesis, increasing the amount of collagen in the skin, ultimately ensuring that skin becomes thicker, firmer and tighter. This non-surgical facelift is popular as it is both effective instantaneously and over the long term’
What areas can you target?
They can be used on any part of the face and neck. Popular treatments include the targeting of sagging brows, nasolabial lines, vertical and horizontal forehead wrinkles, drooping cheeks, marionette lines, sagging jawline, plus wrinkles and folds on the chin and neck.
What should I expect long term?
Results are instant but they also improve with time. A process of natural protein synthesis begins after about 10-14 days. Moving forward after this in the forthcoming weeks, the results will continue to improve, peaking at around 6 months. The treatment can last for up to 2 years as your own body produces collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Collagen will form around the thread to continue to support results, maintaining a smooth and supple texture of the skin.
How safe is the treatment?
PDO threads are FDA approved, and have been used medically for many years, with a great safety record, but as with all treatments there is a risk. The thread itself dissolves after about 12 weeks.
What about aftercare?
The majority of patients just get on with their normal day, after the procedure. There is some general advice however in terms of aftercare. If you do experience any discomfort, then take ibuprofen as required. You should also avoid extreme temperature change, alcohol and anticoagulants for 7 days. For a full list of things to avoid and a rundown of the less common side effects, I would recommend people look at our main website.
Is there anyone who this treatment is not suitable for?
It is a great treatment with instant results but if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an autoimmune disease, diabetes, or infection it should be avoided.
How can those who are considering the treatment find out more?
Our website has a page dedicated to this procedure and you can also book a consultation to explore it further.